Why should
you hire a
Building Enclosure Consultant?
Whether you own, rent or manage a commercial property, leak repairs can get expensive. They’re also not guaranteed to work. Before you find yourself hiring more than one contractor to chase and repair leaks, let our team identify the root cause and recommend a plan of action to protect your investment or your client. A clear scope of work leads to accountability and accurate estimates with results.
IIBEC: “What is a Building Enclosure Consultant?”
Whether you have a massive leak or a tiny drip, water is never what you want to see or need in your home. Building Enclosure Consultants are Moisture Intrusion experts, meaning we have extensive training in waterproofing best practices, how to troubleshoot issues and find the root cause, and how to make sure it all goes away! The Warndorf Group pairs infrared technology with extensive knowledge and education to find, test, and form a plan… FAST.
Not everyone wants to go the legal route, but for our clients that do, Building Enclosure Consultants are great to keep in your back pocket when you need it. The building enclosure can get very complicated when you are looking for the responsible party. The Warndorf Group has extensive knowledge in the expectations of expert witness work. We have been contracted through the law firm on multiple cases, and also through a client and then passed onto a lawyer.
IIBEC: “Why Roofs Matter”
Builders, Architects & Engineers.
No one is actively leaving out key components of the building enclosure on purpose. The last thing anyone wants is that call from a client saying they’ve found water. Building Enclosure Consultants can assist in being proactive during the commissioning process, or reactive when that service call does come in. The Warndorf Group has several clients in both areas. We are here to assist, not condemn, and we want what everyone wants — the pain point to go away.